If your family member or friend is in an emergency situation, always dial 999 in the first instance. Alternatively, Leicester City Police can be reached on the non-emergency number 0116 222 2222.
To find out about refuge accommodation or support services for a family member or friend who is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic abuse, call the local helpline on:
0808 80 200 28
The helpline is open 8am – 8pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am – 4pm on weekends and bank holidays. This is a freephone number and won’t show up on any phone bill. Calls to the helpline are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
For out of hours, please call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on:
0808 2000 247
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Yes, you can call the free local helpline on 0808 80 200 28 as a friend or family member and the advisor will give you advice on how to help the person you know. It will be their choice as to whether they want to accept support and if they do decide that they would like support from a local service, they would need to speak to a specially trained domestic abuse support worker to discuss their situation and receive the best support for them.
There are outreach services for individuals and families who have experienced domestic abuse but wish to stay in their own homes or have a safe place to move into.
If the individual is at high risk of harm from an abusive partner, ex-partner or family member, they may have an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) support them to gain a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) and to support them through the justice system.
If the risk of harm has reduced, they may have a support worker offer help and assistance with practical matters, such as housing, money, legal services and other matters. To access support services within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, call the free, local helpline on 0808 80 200 28.
You can call the local helpline for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who can offer advice to friends, family members or colleagues about local services available. The number, 0808 80 200 28, is free to call and the staff are specially trained.
You can request posters and leaflets to display in communal areas at work giving information about support services. You could also ask management for staff training and a policy on domestic abuse so everyone is clear on how to support colleagues.
You can check whether your organisation has an employee assistance programme and ask for details to be prominently displayed and your colleague reminded of this support.